Latest Update:Campus Placement drive has been scheduled on 14, 15, 17, 18, 19 March 2025 from 10 AM onwards for B.Sc in Animation and Multimedia and B.Sc in Interior designing for final year Batch and Companies are Renderpub, BDiapers,Deluxe Entertainment Distribution India(P) Ltd. Students got placed with the following top companies like Deluxe Entertainment Pvt Ltd,K12,Renderpub,Animation Galaxy..Heartiest Congratulations! To all our BSC Students for successfully completing their graduation.

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The institute believes that a motivated workforce (Staff and Students) can be a significant factor in institute’s success. When staff and students are motivated to work at higher levels of their skills and abilities, the institute as a whole grows more efficiently and is more effective at achieving its objectives and goals. For this reason, the IIFA Lancaster International Campus has understood the power of reward systems and how they are helpful in influencing Students and Staff behaviour. When any staff or student helps the institute in the achievement of one of its objectives and goals, a reward often follows.

IIFA Lancaster International Campus has constituted the following rewards for its staff and students. The mode of reward is in terms of appreciation certificates and mementos.

  • Best Teacher

  • Best Class

  • Best Guardian Faculty Members (GFM)

  • Best Department

  • Best HOD

  • 100% University Result

  • Best Outgoing Student

  • Topper of the Class

  • Subject Topper

IIFA Lancaster Total Learning System & Academic Model

A comprehensive Learning Experience

Teacher Award: Scientifically designed, faculty evaluation scheme called Performance Based Appraisal System is implemented in the institute. The PBAS consist of 1000 marks, and the teacher who scores the maximum marks is rewarded as Best Teacher of the institute.

Best Class Award: The institute invites applications from all the classes for the Best class award. The committee evaluates the forms submitted by each class and declares the best Class whose score is maximum.

Best Guardian Faculty Members (GFM) Award: The teacher whose class gets the Best Class award is rewarded as Best Guardian Faculty Member (GFM).

Best Department Award: The institute invites applications from the all the departments for the Best Department award. The committee evaluates the forms submitted by each department and declares the department having maximum score as the Best Department Award.

Best Head of Department Award: The Head of Department whose department gets the Best Department Award is rewarded as Best Head of Department. 100% University Result Award: The staff, whose university result for the subject taught by him/her is 100%, is rewarded as 100% University Result Award.

Best Outgoing Student: The institute invites applications from the students who wish to apply for the Best Outgoing Student award. Each department based on the application selects one student from their department as Best Outgoing Student of the department. At the institute level all the best outgoing students selected by the department are interviewed by a committee.

Topper of the Class: The student who ranks first in the class in the University examinations is declared as Topper of the Class. Subject Topper the Student who scores maximum marks in subject is declared as Subject Topper.

New Program Development & Portfolio Management

New Program Development & Management is an analytical and systematic process of launching and nurturing new courses. It is a collaborative decision making process based on data, student aspiration and industry demand. Portfolio management includes clear categorization of products to avoid overlaps, and reviewing and enhancing program performance including student experience, value delivered, differentiation, and employability.

Intellectual Conversations, Research & Publication

Lead conversations about change in the world creative education. Build platform for Innovation and disruption in the interest of preparing young creative leaders for the industry of tomorrow. We do this by organizing What’s Next Confluence and curating multiple other conversation platforms like Offline, and Pickled minds for industry faculty and students. Learning from insights and shared ideas, recording and sharing these via research, publication and greater outreach mediums to add to the global knowledge pool.

What’s Next series in world cafe confluence aims at stimulating and inspiring participants to foster innovation and creativity, discuss, debate, articulate, learn and make meaning together towards the future. It comprises of stakeholders such as global design educators, industry, government bodies, international design fraternity, thought leaders & budding professionals.

Encouraging faculty to research in domain specific or other areas of interest and build opportunities to understand what’s happening globally. Facilitating this by supporting faculty to present papers in relevant conference, seminars, conduct workshops and other events to complement a dynamic environment of learning.

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